
Finding the Best Vacuum

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Blog 14 150x150 Finding the Best VacuumWhen your business office has a lot of traffic moving through, doors opening and closing and windows which are opened for fresh air, you will find dust and dirt filter in with rapidity. You will have to vacuum frequently. But since you have employees and you want them to stay healthy, your best option in vacuuming equipment is to get a vacuum that will not just circulate dust and pollens in the air.

There is no telling which employees are going to have allergies where symptoms can kick in. The fact is, even the healthiest of people can get some symptoms in an environment filled with allergen particles floating in the air. It is just safer to get the best equipment you can find for your offices. Not all vacuums are created equal. You’ll have to do some shopping around to find the best, and it will certainly cost you some money for high-end vacuums.

Many vacuums simply push particles around in the air and do not trap them thoroughly. When purchasing a vacuum cleaner, here is are some of the features you should look for:

  • A filtration system with a HEPA filter
  • Manufacturers who have won awards for reducing allergy particles
  • Multi-layer hypoallergenic vacuum bags

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor, and means that it is designed to capture microscopic particles. These filters can take 99.9 percent of airborne particles (including dust, pollen, mold and pet dander) out of the air. This is impressive, and can certainly reduce the chances of aggravating someone’s allergies.

Some manufacturers have produced vacuum cleaners that have actually won awards for their efficiency in reducing allergens in the air. One of these companies is Dyson, who received an award from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

When you run a business and have employees, you want to ensure your staff stays healthy. This is why it is important to use the best equipment possible in the cleaning process. Vacuuming should reduce circulating air particles, not just stir them up. The most effective way to keep your business clean and maintained properly is to hire a janitorial cleaning service. This way you can devote your time and energy to your company and achieving your goals for your business.


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